
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/50


朱文鑫 字貢三。年三十四歲。生於江蘇蘇州陳慕鎭。已婚。子二。女一。初學於南洋中學及蘇州高等學堂。光緖三十四年。以官費津貼遊美。入威斯康心大學。習數學。民國元年。得學士學位。爲中國學生會會長。曾在數學會。演說弦切圓。民國元年。回國。任南洋路礦學校。及南洋公學敎員。著有積分方程式。及代數圖解二書。均上海商務印書館出版。現時住址。上海大西街一千四百四十一號。

Tsu, Wen-Shion.-Born in Soochow, Kiangsu, 1883. Married. Stud-ied at Nanyang Middle School, Shanghai, 1902; at Soochow Provincial College, Soochow, 1902-8. Arrived in America, December, 1908. Partial government support. Studied Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, 1908-12. B.A., 1912. President, Wisconsin Chinese Students' Club, 1911-12. Spoke on "Tan-gent Circles" before the Mathematical Club, Madison, Wisconsin, 1912. Returned to China, July, 1912. Teacher of Mathematics: Nanyang Railway and Mining College, 1913; Nanyang College, 1915. Author, "Differential Equations" and "Graphic Algebra", Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1915.

朱友漁 年三十一歲。生於上海。未婚。初學於聖約翰大學。光緖三十三年畢業。得學士學位。任聖約翰大學敎員。及無錫縣宣道師。宣統元年。自費游美。入哥侖比亞大學。習政治學。宣統二年。得碩士學位。民國元年。著中國慈善事業論。得博士學位。又入紐約大學。及神學專修科。得神學士學位。曾爲中國基督敎學生會會長。民國元年。回國。任聖約翰大學牧師及敎員。通信處。上海聖約翰大學。

Tsu, Yu-Yue.-Born in Shanghai, 1886. Studied at St. John's Uni-versity, Shanghai, 1906-7. B.A., 1907. Instructor, St. John's University. Preacher, Wusih, 1907-9. Arrived in America, September, 1909. Private support. Studied Political Science at Columbia and New York Universities and Theology at General Theological Seminary, 1909-12. M.A., Columbia, 1910: Ph. D., Columbia, 1912; B.D., General Theological Seminary, 1912. Subjects of doctor's dissertation:-"Chinese Philanthropy". Chairman, Chinese Students' Christian Association, 1910-11. Traveling Secretary, Chinese Students' Christian Associa-tion, 1911-12. Returned to China, August, 1912. Chaplain and Professor, St. John's University, Shanghai, 1912 to date.