
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/127


late Tsing Dynasty. Decorated by Their Majesties, the King of Denmark, the King of Sweden, and the King of Norway. Member and officer: American University Club; Chinese Chamber of Commerce; Canton Guild; Consultative Board of the Whangpoo Conservancy; Committee of Harvard and German Medical School; Red Cross Hospital; St. Luke's Hospital; Shantung Road Hospital; Canton Hospital; International Institute; World's Chinese Students' Federation; Fu Tan College; Chi-Sue Girls' School; etc.

唐榮禧 字榮禧。年三十歲。生於廣東香山。叔紹和紹儀。已婚。女一。光緖二十九年。以半官費遊美。入春野高等工業學校。光緖三十二年。入北加羅來那省大學。習林科。宣統二年。得學士及森林工程師學位。宣統三年。入哈佛大學。民國元年。回國。任農林部技正。民國二年。兼任北京林塲場長。民國三年。任林務處處長。兼津浦鐵路會文處處長。民國五年。經哈佛大學。給予碩士學位。通信處。天津崑緯路一號。

Tang, Yung-Hsi.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1887. Married, 1914. Arrived in America, March, 1903. Partial government support, Pre-pared for college at Springfield Technical High School, 1903-6. Studied Forestry at the University of North Carolina, 1906-11; at Harvard University, 1911-12. B.F., 1910; F.E., 1911. Returned to China, July, 1912. Junior Technical Expert, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1912-14. Director, Forestry Station, Peking, 1913-14. Chief, Division of Reforestation, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1914-16. Chief, Land Office, Tientsin-Pukow Railway, Tientsin, 1914-16. M.F., Harvard, 1916.

唐榮祚 年三十歲。生於廣東。未婚。光緖二十九年。自費遊美。宣統二年。入比次堡大學。及伊里諾愛大學。習衛生及土木工程。爲美國土木工程師會會員。得有游泳及網球奬品。爲中國學生會書記及會長。入校中游泳及網球隊。民國四年回國。任北京市政公所衛生工程師。通信處。天津河北崑緯路。

Tong, Yung-Tso.-Born in Canton, 1887. Studied at private schools. Arrived in America, 1903. Private support, Studied at Grammer School and High School, 1903-10. Studied Sanitary and Civil Engineering at the Uni-