
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/48


Chu, Tsu-Hung.-Born in Soochow, 1882. Married, 1906. Stud-ied at Soochow University, Soochow, 1898-1902; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1902-6. Arrived in America, June, 1906. Government support. Studied Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania, 1906-9. B.S., 1909. Returned to China, July, 1909. Member, Chihli Bank, Tien-tsin, 1910. Was Junior Clerk of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and Member of Salt Administration. At present, Senior Clerk, Ministry of Finance. Sixth Class Chia Ho Decoration.

朱惟杰 字鸳福。又号辟支。年二十八岁。生于江苏南汇。已婚。初学于上海民立中学。青年会。南洋中学。为新闻报编辑。宣统元年。以官费游美。入罗棱斯学校。宣统二年。入伊里诺爱大学。习化学工程。民国二年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。民国三年。得硕士学位。被选入某某两名誉学会。为美国化学会。美国电机工程师会。及德文会会员。撰化学论著多篇。载美国化学会杂志及德国时报。民国三年。任西方电气公司试验工程师。民国五年囘国。任中华实业界及大中华杂志编辑。通信处。江苏南汇县周浦镇太平衖朱行恕堂。

Chu, V. G.-Born in Nanhui, Kiangsu, 1889. Married, 1908. Stud-ied at Min Li Middle School, Shanghai, 1906; at Y.M.C.A. School, Shanghai, 1906-7; at Nanyang Middle School, Shanghai, 1907-9. Graduated, 1909. Editor, Sing Wen Pao, Shanghai, 1906-9. Arrived in America, November, 1909. Government support. Prepared for college at Lawrence Academy, 1909-10. Studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois, 1910-13; at Columbia University, 1913-16. B.S., 1913; M.A., 1914, Elected to Phi Lambda Upsilon, March, 1912; to Sigma Xi, May, 1913, Member: American Chemical Society, 1911; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1914; Deutsche Verein, 1911-13. Author, "The Transference Number, Conductance and Ionization of Hydriodic Acid at 25°", Journal of American Chemical Society, 1914; etc.. Testing Engineer, The Western Elec-tric Co., N.Y., 1914. Returned to China, June, 1916. Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Industrial World and The Great Chun Hua Magazine, Shanghai, 1916 to date.

朱神惠 字季柳。年三十五岁。生于美国旧金山。已婚。女四。光緖二十七年。自费入加利佛尼大学。习理科。继改习医科。光緖三十四年。得医学博士学位。转入哈佛