
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/31


1915. Author, "Notes on Han Yeh Ping Company, Mines Quarterly, Columbia University, 1912. Chief Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1912-13. Returned to China, September, 1915. Secretary for Returned Students, Pekiug Y.M.C.A., 1915-16. Chief Engineer, Iron Division, Penchihu Coal and Iron Co., 1916 to date. Member, Chinese Engineers' Association and Japanese Iron and Steel Association, 1915.

王正廷 字儒堂。年三十五歲。生於浙江寗波。已婚。子二。女三。初學於天津北洋大學。光緖三十三年。自費遊美。入米西根大學。習普通文科。宣統二年。入耶路大學。得學士學位。入耶路大學院一年。被選入某名譽學會。宣統三年囘國。任上海靑年會書記。民國元年。任南京臨時政府參議員。旋來北京。任工商次長。並代理總長。民國二年至六年。任參議院議員及副議長。給予二等嘉禾章。現時住址。北京林淸宮二十三號。

Wang, Chengting Thomas.-Born in Ningpo, Chekiang, 1882. Married, 1902. Studied at Peiyang University, Tientsin. Arrived in America, July, 1907. Private support. Studied Liberal Arts at the Univer-sity of Michigan, 1907-8; at Yale University, 1908-11. B.A., 1910. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, June, 1910. Returned to China, June, 1911. Secretary, Chinese Y.M.C.A., Shanghai, 1911. Member, Provisional Legislature, Nanking, 1912. Vice-Minister and Acting Minister of Commerce and Indus-try, Peking, 1912. Member and Deputy Speaker, Senate, Peking, 1913-17. Second Class Chia Ho Decoration.

王建祖 字長信。年三十八歲。生於厦門。父鑑明。已婚。子一。女二。初學於香港皇仁書院。北洋大學。又留學日本。光緖二十七年。任南洋公學敎員。譯歐洲文明史。光緖二十八年。自費遊美。入加利佛尼大學。習經濟科。光緖三十一年。得學士學位。爲西美中國學生會會長。譯銀行史論。又爲留美學生年報第一期編輯。光緖三十二年回國。任兩廣總督署文案。光緖三十三年。任度支部秘書。授翰林院編修。光緖三十四年。任特派赴美欽史秘書。宣統元年。任江蘇省財政監理官。民國四年。任北京