

 曹嘉祥 游美同學錄

曹麗雲女士 年三十二歲。生於江蘇蘇州。初學於上海中西女塾。及日本長崎活水女學校。以學績得優奬。光緖三十一年。自費遊美。入林園大學。習醫科。光緖三十三年。入女子醫學校。宣統三年。得醫學士學位。任馬利同生醫院學習醫生。爲校中級會會計及副會長。級刋編輯。民國元年回國。任南京貴格醫院院長。兼公立看護學校校長。金陵女子大學敎員。通信處。上海狄思威路五十一號。

Tsao, Li-Yuin (Miss).-Born in Soochow, 1885. Studied at Mc-Tyiere School, Shanghai, 1896-1901; at Kwassui Jo Gakko, Nagasaki, Japan, 1902-4, Awarded Kwassui Medal for high scholarship, 1904. Arrived in America, October, 1905. Private support. Studied Medicine at Forest Park University, 1905-7; at Woman's Medical College, Philadelphia, 1907-11. M.D., 1911. Interne at Mary Thompson Hospital, 1911-12. Treasurer and Vice-President, Class of 1911, 1910-1911. Associate Editor, 1911 Class Book, 1910-11. Returned to China, August, 1912. Physician in Charge, Friends Hospital, Nanking and President, Union Nurses Training School, 1911 to date. Teacher in Physiology and Hygiene, King-Ling College, Nanking, 1915 to date.