

 史鳳珠女士 游美同學錄

成功一 字序庠。年二十七歲。生於江蘇揚州。未婚。初畢業於南京匯文書院。得學士學位。任匯文書院敎員。爲揚子江月報編輯。宣統二年。以官費遊美。入米西根大學。習化學工程。民國四年。得學士學位。爲美國化學會會員。撰鹼化速效法一文。載實業化學雜誌。曾在米西根大學。演說製造氣體時取出硫酸安母紐木之新法。曾在某氣廠。任學習工程師。又在某發動機器公司。任化學試騐員。民國五年囘國。通信處。江蘇蘇州閶門外錢萬里橋關宅轉交。

Cheng, Gung-Yi.-Born in Yangchow, Kiangsu, 1890. Studied at Nanking Christian College, 1901. A.B., 1908. Assistant Instructor, Nan-king Christian College, 1907-9. Assistant Editor, The Yang Tse Kiang Monthly, 1909. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government sup-port. Studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan, 1910-15. B. Ch. E., 1915. Member: American Chemical Society, 1916; Detroit Chemists' Club, 1916. Author, "Rapid Method for Saponification", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1916. Spoke on "New direct method for recovering Ammonium Sulphate in connection with gas manufacture" before the Faculty and the Senior Engineers, University of Michigan, 1915. Student Engineer, Ann Arbor Gas Station, 1915. Research Chemist, Detroit Ford Motor Co., 1916. Returned to China, August, 1916.