

 邢契莘 游美同學錄

辛耀庠 字興黎。年二十九歲。生於江蘇上海。父仲卿。已婚。永久通信處。上海牯嶺路一百零一號轉交。初學於上海聖約翰大學。以學績得倫貝子奬牌。任聖約翰大學備館助敎。爲聖約翰年報編輯。光緖三十三年。以官費游美。入耶路大學。習土木工程。宣統二年。得學士學位。入本薛文尼大學。習鐵路運輸科。及數學地質學。宣統三年。得碩士學位。入麻省工業學校。習土木工程。被選入某名譽學會。屢以最優學績得奬。爲耶路會會員。本薛文尼大學會英文書記。留美學生會會員。任耶路大學數學助敎。民國元年。回國。任交通部部員。民國二年。任川漢鐵路宜夔段副工程師。民國五年。任直隸山東電報局稽核官。及北京交通傳習所敎員。爲中國工程學會會員。現時通信處。北京鑾輿衛夾道四十二號。

Hsin, H. Henry.-Born in Shanghai, 1888. Married, 1914. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1901-7. Awarded Prince Pu Lung's Medal for high standing, 1905. Assistant teacher, St. John's Preparatory Department, 1907. Editor, St. John's Annual, 1906. Arrived in America, August, 1907. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at Yale University, 1907-10; Railway Transportation, Mathematics, and Geology at the University of Penn-sylvania, 1910-11; Civil Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1911-12. Ph. B., 1910; M. S., 1911. Elected to Simga Xi, April, 1910. Awarded honors for high standing, 1917, 1908 and 1910. Member, Yale Club, 1907-10. English Secretary, U. of P. Club, 1911. Member, Chinese Stu-dents' Alliance, 1908-12. Assistant in Mathematics, Yale, 1909-10. Returned to China, May, 1912. Member, Ministry of Communications, 1912-13. Assistant Engineer, I-Kwei Section, Szechuen-Hankow Railway, 1913-15. District Auditor, Chili and Shanghai Telegraph Administration, 1916. Instructor, College of Com-munications, Peking, 1916 to date. Member, Chinese Engineering Society, 1914.