
 章宗元 游美同學錄
維基百科 參閱維基百科中的:章元善

章元善 字彥馴。年二十六歲。生於江蘇蘇州。已婚。初學於蘇州長元吳公立高等小學堂。江南高等學堂。及北京淸華學校。爲上海太平洋日報通信員。宣統三年。以官費游美。入康奈爾大學。習普通文科。民國四年。得學士學位。爲留美學生會會員。留美學生月報總經理。留美學生年報編輯。民國四年。囘國。任直隸工業試驗所。及北洋防疫處化學師。北京大學衛生化學敎員。天津交涉使署英文文案。天津警察總廳顧問。天津官立學校敎員。爲中國北方康奈爾大學校友會書記。留美同學會中文書記。上海婦女雜誌編輯。現時通信處。天津三經路求是里。

Djang, Yuan-Shan.-Born in Soochow, 1892. Married, 1916. Studied at Chang-Yuan-Wu School, Soochow, 1903-6; at Kiangnan Col-lege, Nanking, 1907-10; at Tsing Hua College, 1911. Graduated, 1911. Correspondent, The Pacific News, Shanghai, 1911. Arrived in America, September, 1911. Government support. Studied Liberal Arts at Cornell University, 1911-15. Chief-Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1914-15. Editor, Chinese Students' Annual, 1913-14. Returned to China, August, 1915. Chemist, Chihli Industrial Chemistry Laboratory and Peiyang Plague Prevention Bureau, Tientsin, 1915. Instructor in Sanitary Chemistry, Government University, Peking, 1915-16. English Secretary, Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Advisor to the Chief of Police, and Teacher of English, Government School, Tientsin, 1916 to date. Secretary, Cornell Alumni Association of North China, 1915. Chinese Secretary, American Returned Students' Club, Tientsin, 1916-17. Editor, Ladies' Journal, Shanghai, 1915-6.