
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/57


ment support. Studied Law at the University of Oregon, 1908-11; Educa-tion and Economics at Northwestern University, 1911-13. M.A., 1913. Secretary, Chinese Students' Club, 1909-10. Member, Cosmopolitan Club, 1912-13. Instructor, Chinese Public School, Portland, Oregon, 1908-10. Returned to China, November, 1913. Manager, Oil Administration, Peking, 1914-15. Principal, Kwungtnng School, Peking, 1916. Author, "Chinese Education from Western Viewpoint", R. McNally Co., 1913.

邢契莘 字契莘。年三十岁。生于浙江嵊县。本籍住址。浙江嵊县长乐镇。已婚。子一。初学于杭州府中学堂。上海南洋中学。直隶高等学堂。宣统元年。以官费游美。入麻省工业学校。习造船科。民国三年。得学士学位。民国五年。得硕士学位。曾以演说辩论得奖。为麻省工业学校造船学会会员。中国学生会会长。留美学生会评议员。留美学生季刊经理。国防报编辑。曾在纽约造船公司。及海军装置公司。充建筑师。又在前河造船公司。充机器师。民国五年。回国。民国六年。任大沽造船厂事。现时通信处。北京东城青年会。

Hsin, Chee-Sing.-Born in Chen-Hsien, Chekiang, 1887. Married, 1904. Studied at Hangchow High School, 1900-3: at Nanyang High School, Shanghai, 1904-8; at Chihli Provincial College, 1908-9. Arrived in America, October, 1909. Government support. Studied Naval Architecture at Mas-sachusetts Institute of Technology, 1910-16. B.S., 1914; M.S., 1916. Awarded prizes for debate and oration, 1911 and 1912. Member, M. I. T. Naval Architectural Society, 1911-16. President, M. I. T. Chinese Students' Club, 1915. Councilman at large, Chinese Students' Alliance, 1916. Manager, Chinese Students' Quarterly, 1912 and 1915. Editor, National Defence Magazine, 1916. Naval Architect, New York Ship-building Co., and W. Marine Equipment Co., 1913. Machinist, Fore River Ship-building Corporation, 1915. Returned to China, July, 1916. Engineer, Taku Dock, Tientsin, 1907.

辛耀庠 字兴黎。年二十九岁。生于江苏上海。父仲卿。已婚。永久通信处。上海牯岭路一百零一号转交。初学于上海圣约翰大学。以学绩得伦贝子奖牌。任圣约翰大学备馆助教。为圣约翰年报编辑。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入耶路大学。习土木工程。宣统二年。得学士学位。入本薛文尼大学。习铁路运输科。及数学地质学。宣