
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/56


何炳松 字柏臣。年二十七岁。生于浙江金华。父寿铨。业儒。初在金华中学堂及浙江高等学堂肄业。屡年得第一名奖。民国元年。任金华中学校教员。民国二年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学旋。入威斯康心大学。习政治学。民国四年。得学士学位。入普林斯顿大学。民国五年。得硕士学位。以论文得奖。为留美学生会会员。及中国学生会副会长。曾为威斯康心大学政治学助教。又为留美学生季报编辑。民国五年夏囘国。住址及通信处。浙江金华后白塔。

Ho, P. S.-Born in Kinhua, Chekiang, 1890. Studied at Kinhua High School, 1903-6; at Chekiang Provincial College, Hangchow, 1907-12. Graduated, 1912. Awarded first prizes for high standing, 1910, 1911 and 1912. Instructor, Kinhua High School, 1912. Arrived in America, January, 1913. Government support. Studied Political Science at the University of California, 1913; at the University of Wisconsin, 1913-15; at Princeton University, 1915-16. B.A., 1915; M.A., 1916. Awarded first essay prize, May, 1915. Vice-President, Chinese Students' Club, 1914. Member, Chin-ese Students' Alliance, 1913-16. Assistant, Department of Political Science, Wisconsin, 1914-15. Editor, Chinese Students' Quarterly, 1914-15. Returned to China, July, 1916.

何焱森 字伯述。年四十岁。生于广州。永久通信处。北京保安寺街三水会馆。已婚。子一。女一。初学于广东时敏学堂。光緖三十三年。毕业于京师大学堂。授举人。及内阁中书。农工商部七品小京官。光緖三十四年。以官费游美。入屋雷冈大学。习法律。宣统三年。入西北大学。习教育及经济。民国二年。得硕士学位。为留美学生会。及世界会会员。中国学生分会书记。华侨学堂教员。民国二年。回国。任中美油矿处勘矿主任。民国五年。任北京广东学校校长。著有中西教育槪论。现时通信处。香港文咸街交通银行。

Ho, Yen-Sun.-Born in Canton, 1877. Married. Studied at Shih Min School, Canton, 1899-1910; at Government University, Peking, 1902-7. Chu Jen, 1907. Was member of Nei-Kuo and Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. Arrived in America, April, 1908. Govern-