
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/29



Bien, Zue-Sun.-Born in Wuchang, Hupeh, 1883. Married, 1901. Studied at Aurora College, Shanghai, 1904-5. Arrived in America, Novem-ber, 1906. Partial government support. Studied Political Science and Economics at Brown University, 1907-12. Ph. B., 1912. Appointed James Manning's Scholar for excellence in college studies on graduation, June, 1912. Author, "Education As A Means of Social Progress", Chinese Students' Annual, 1912. Returned to China, September, 1912. Assistant Secretary, Bank of China, Peking, 1912-13; Sub-Manager of the Issue Department, 1913-14; Assistant Inspector, 1914; and Inspector General, 1914-16. Chief Secre-tary and Inspector General, Chung Foo Union Bank, Tientsiu, 1916 to date.

方伯梁 字柱臣。年五十八岁。生于广东开平。弟伯麟。任京张铁路西直门车站稽查员。已婚。子六。女二。初学于上海出洋局。同治十二年。以官费游美。入麻省中学校。习理科。光緖六年。入麻省工业学校。光緖七年回国。在天津电报学堂肄业。光緖八年。任苏州广州电报局员。光緖十五年。任广州电报学堂教员。光緖三十一年。任唐山路矿学校斋务长。光緖三十四年。在奉天农工商局办事。宣统三年。任京张张绥铁路学习工程师。通信处。湖北汉口。

Fong, Pah-Liang.-Born in Kaiping, Kwangtung, 1859. Married, 1883. Studied at Educational Mission School, Shanghai, 1873. Arrived in America, July, 1873. Government support. Prepared for college at Wilbraham High School, 1873-77; at Easthampton High School, 1877-80. Studied Science at Massachussetts Institute of Technology, 1880-81. Returned to China, Au-gust, 1881. Studied at Telegraph School, Tientsin, 1881-82. Clerk in Charge, Telegraph Office at Foochow and later at Canton, 1882-98. Teacher, Tele-graph School, Canton, 1889-1905. Proctor, Tangshan Railway and Engine-ering College, Tangshan, 1905-8. Member, Bureau of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Mukden, 1908-9. Student Engineer, Peking-Kalgan Rail-way, 1909-12.

王仁辅 字士枢。年三十二岁。生于江苏昆山。父海涛。本籍住址。江苏昆山县柴巷衖十三号。已婚。女一。初