
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/167


Department of Ceremonies, President's Office, 1915-16. Production Depart-ment, Salt Administration, 1915 to date. Teacher, Government Teachers' College and National Institute, Peking, 1916 to date.

许肇南 字肇南。年三十一岁。生于四川绵竹县。贵州籍。永久住址。贵州贵阳。已婚。女一。初学于四川高等学堂。及日本宏文学院。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入伊里诺爱大学。习机器工程。宣统二年。得官费。入威斯康心大学。习电气工程。民国二年。得学士及电气工程师学位。入哈佛大学。习商业管理法。为世界会会员。万国会会员及会长。曾在普通电气公司。充学习工程师。民国三年。回国。民国四年以还。任南京河海工程学校校长。为寰球中国学生会。及科学会会员。现时通信处。南京北极阁河海工程专门学校。

Shu, Sawland J.-Born in Mienchu, Szechuen, 1886. Married, 1906. Studied at Szechuen Provincial College, Chengtu, 1904-7: at Hung Wen School, Japan, 1907-8. Arrived in America, May, 1908. Partial government support. Studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois, 1908-10; Electrical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, 1910-13; Business Administration at Harvard University, 1913-14. B.S. and E.E., 1913. Member, Illinois Cosmopolitan Club, 1908-10; Wisconsin Iuternational Club, 1910-13. President, International Club, 1912-13. Student Engineer, General Electric Company, 1913, Returned to China, September, 1914. Director, Waterways Engineering College, Nanking, 1915 to date. Member: World's Chinese Students' Federation, Shanghai, 1914; Science Club, 1916.

陆守经 字达权。年三十一岁。生于江苏青浦。本籍住址。江苏青浦朱家角镇。已婚。子一。初学于上海南洋公学。毕业于复旦公学。任长沙某校教员。及上海商务印书馆编辑。申报编辑。宣统三年。以官费游美。入威斯康心大学。习政治学。民国三年。得学士学位。为威斯康心中国学生会英文书记及会长。威斯康心万国会会长。民国三年。回国。民国四年。任司法部办事员。及司法讨论会事务员。民国五年。任司法部主事。及厦门鼓浪屿会审公