
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/150



Chang, T. Z.-Born in Huchow, Chekiang, 1882. Married, 1871. Graduated from Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1906. Teacher of English, Huchow Middle School, 1906-8. Arrived in America, August, 1908. Government support. Studied Agriculture at the University of California, 1908-12. B.S., 1912. Delegate to the International Dry-Farming Congress, 1911. Returned to China, September, 1912. Senior Secretary and Chief of Division of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 1912-13. Technical Expert and Chief of Division of Investigation, Bureau of Agricul-ture and Forestry, and also Chief of Department of Plant Pathology and Entomology, Central Agricultural Experiment Station, 1914. Commissioner to Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915. Fifth Class Chia Ho Decoration.

章宗元 字伯初。年四十岁。生于上海。弟宗祥。驻日公使。已婚。子一。初学于上海南洋公学。光緖二十六年。以官费游美。入朴摩那学校。光緖二十九年。入加利佛尼学校。习经济商业。光緖三十三年。得学士学位。是年回国。供职外交部。宣统元年。任北京财政学堂堂长。民国元年。任财政部次长。民国二年。充驻英财政委员。民国三年至五年。任审计院院长。现时住址。北京大院胡同。

Chang, Tsung-Yuen.-Born in Shanghai, 1876. Married, 1907. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1898-1900. Arrived in America, January, 1900. Government support, Prepared for college at Pomona College, 1900-3. Studied Economics and Commerce at the University of California, 1903-7. B.S., 1907. Returned to China, July, 1907. Member, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1907-8. President, College of Finance, Peking, 1909-11. Vice-Minister, Ministry of Finance, 1912. Financial Commissioner to London, 1913. Director, Board of Audit, 1914-16.

章元善 字彦驯。年二十六岁。生于江苏苏州。已婚。初学于苏州长元吴公立高等小学堂。江南高等学堂。及北京清华学校。为上海太平洋日报通信员。宣统三年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习普通文科。民国四年。得学