
页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/140


September, 1911. Private support. Studied Education at Columbia University, 1911-12. B.A. and Diploma of Teachers' College, Columbia, 1912. Member of Class Graduation Committee and one of the class marchals for Commencement Day, 1912. Member: Chinese Students' Alliance, Chinese Students' Christian Association; Columbia Chinese Students' Club; Elementary Club of Teachers' College; New York Cosmopolitan Club; China Society of America; The Church-man's Association: St. Andrew's Brotherhood; etc., 1911-12. Returned to China, August, 1912. Dean, Boone Preparatory School, Wuchang, 1912 to date. Awarded Commemoration Medal by President Li, 1911. Member and once Executive, Central China Christian Education Association, 1912-16. Member: American University Club, 1912-16; Returned Students' Club of Central China, 1915-16; National Committee of Y.M.C.A.; Wuhan Y. M, C. A. Board of Directors; etc., 1912. Author, "45 Years of Boone University", 1916. Editor, Boone Review, 1912-16.

陈茂康 字晋侯。年三十岁。生于四川重庆。弟茂谷。重庆邮务局局员。永久通信处。四川重庆邮局转。已婚。初毕业重庆广益中学堂。任该校教员。宣统二年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习机器工程。民国三年。得机器工程师学位。入佑疑大学。民国五年。得硕士学位。被选入某某两名誉学会。为康奈尔中国学生会副会长。世界会会员。佑疑大学电气试验室助教。发明几何计算尺。及复数计算尺。在纽约爱迭生电气公司实习。民国五年回国。任重庆广益中学教员。为中西德育社社员。现时通信处。四川重庆新厂徐家花园。

Ts'en, Mong-Kang.-Born in Chungking, Szechuen, 1887. Mar-ried, 1916. Graduated from Kwang-Yee Middle School, Chungking, 1907. Teacher: Kwang-Yee Middle School at Chungking, 1907-8; at Chengtu, 1908-9. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University, 1910-14; Electrical Engineering at Union College, 1914-15. M.E., 1914; M.S., 1915. Elected to Tau Beta Pi, May, 1913; to Sigma Chi, May, 1915. Member, Cornell Cosmopolitan Club, 1910-13. Vice-President, Cornell Chinese Students' Club, 1914. Assistant in Electric Laboratory, Union College, 1915-16. Invented Geometrical Slide Rule and Complex Quantity Computer, 1914. Assistant to the Assistant Chief Engineer, New York Edison Co., 1915. Returned to China, January, 1916. Teacher, Kwang-Yee Middle School, Chungking, 1916. Member and Committee, International Friends' Institute, 1916.