
页面:NLC416-13jh008014-59011 〓学新编.pdf/2


西序 Preface.

In selecting a suitable English volume on Bacteriology to translate for the use of Chinese medical students I had five somewhat brief works from which to choose. Archinard's Microscopy and Bacteriology was finally selected, not only because it was the most recent of the available works, but because, while covering every important part of the subject with a thoroughness unusual in a work of such small compass, it contained little or no extraneous matter.

Many of the defects in the translation are inherent in the difficulty of the subject. Many are also due to inability from lack of time to give the manuscript thorough revision before sending it to the press. As I look over the printed forms, I see several places where the translation does not represent accurately the idea of the original. It is hoped that these defects will be corrected in a future edition, if such shall be called for.

A great deal of credit is due to my teacher, Mr. Mao P'ei-chih, for the careful and painstaking work that he has done in the preparation of this volume, as well as for his many helpful suggestions regarding the terminology. My assistant, Dr. Wu Hsin Huang, also expended a great deal of time and labor in giving the book a thorough going over, making many valuable suggestions and corrections.

Many thanks are due to Dr. J. G. Cormack for his thorough work in revising the earlier chapters of the work. Dr. Cousland's careful work on the proof sheets, involving many important corrections, has added a great deal to the value of the book and has made it possible